Automacity: The better way to say the word “automaticity;” My perpetual misspelling of the word, (I do not even say it “right” in my head).
Carrothope; occasionally a countable noun: The realization that carrots can bloom and wondering how I can possibly move on from this discovery; Goodness & hope that is hidden to us in mundane places; The knowledge that I do not know as much about this world as I think I do, and gratitude towards its mysteries.
Cold breeze: A good misspelling of “cold brew” à la Gull.
(My) dear cave: A term of endearment, see deer cave.
Deer cave: Donut shop & Signs and wonders, [deer] lion caves in the dark / Blind faith, God's grace, nothing else left to impart.
Dreadfull: A sense of meaninglessness that I carry in my stomach. Throwing up anxiety.
“Good idear Vashti”: Good idea ; dear Vashti.
Jizz: The overall impression or appearance of a bird garnered from such features as shape, posture, flying style or other habitual movements, size and colouration combined with voice, habitat and location; "the indefinable quality of a particular species, the 'vibe' it gives off" ... "dismissed by many as some kind of birding alchemy, there is some physical basis to the idea of jizz."
Keepsafe: A sleepsake to keepsafe.
Left turns: (Definitely) scary & (possibly) dangerous; Certain left turns are okay if they’re undoing a right turn (It evens out); Otherwise, looping may be required.
Looping: When I drive somewhere outside of the list of okay places, then I have to drive around my neighborhood three or five times, (not two or four); Time consuming; Losing count means I “have” to restart.
Meluné: My dear friend's term for melon ramune that has made its way into my vocabulary by way of radiation sickness.
Messyslovenly: The world does not hate you nearly as much as you hate yourself.
Miserycar: Suicidal thoughts & no air conditioning.
Morningdark: The time of day when I am at my worst & there is no comfort to be found; Cold & awake before the rest of the world; An unwilling passenger in my own life.
Pour (Vashti): Pour Vashti, your feathers are spilling.
Radiation sickness(poisioning): The reason my stuffed animal(frog) has a soul, because it has some of mine from constant exposure; The reason my Gull friend says the word ritzy & the reason I say the word meluné; The infection of love.
Sorrowzow: Teach the kids how to sound out that one.
Trinklet: A cute misprint in my sister’s book.
Windering: A good misspelling of “wondering” à la Gull; Bird Windering Off by Paul Klee.
Wingdog: A winged dog, usually of stone, originally found in a (now gone) statue at the park & in my friend’s book at the same time; Good luck.
Wingull: A wingdog & gull (& a Pokémon); my friend.
Yellow animal: Woodstock & Gregg & Botan Rice Candy stickers, all iterations of my friend; a term of endear(cave)ment
10:10: 11:11
11:11: 10:10
3:33: Our bird; bisected.
∗ ∗ ∗ : Dinkus.
⁂: Dinkus bouquet.